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algae bloom

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Post subject: algae bloom
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:30 am
i got a horrible algae bloom a couple of weeks ago and it wont go away some days i leave the lights off, ive replaced the filter, done 3 separate 50% drainages, cleaned my decor, and ive been repeadedly washed off my filters because theyve been a dark green. what do i do to stop it .

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Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:03 pm
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You just need a UV sterilizer, only about $150 plus you need a water pump for it


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Post subject: Algae Destroyer
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:05 pm
I am writting now to tell of this awesome product. its called algae destroyer. this stuff works so well it makes the water crystal clear and it only cost 11 bucks. ned if you dont have this stuff you SHOULD DEFINATELY GET IT. I left my fish tanks room and came back 20 minutes later and the water was the clearest water ive ever seen in my life. so if anyone has any algae problems i highly suggest this product.

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Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:39 pm
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algae destroyer is an extremely toxic product
(that's why you can't buy it here)
I suggest you put in a large amount of fresh high grade carbon in the filter system as soon as possible
we have plenty here
but you don't care
because you won't buy it from me


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Post subject:
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:43 pm
Ya i know it said "know to the state of california to cause cancer" but no fish have been harmed from it. But it seemed to be the best solution for a good price. but i will be in extremely soon to come in. I need 3 bala sharks, 1 tiger barb , N. parilus, and im thinking of selling/giving away the zebra danios to some friends so i could get a zebra or a pakastani loach if you have them. sorry for all of the inconvience I've caused.

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Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:49 pm
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Balaboy- Along time ago I used algae destroyer or something like it. It completely destroyed my bio bacteria. Once its gone in a tank full of fish its hard and very frustrating getting it back. You should check your ammonia and nitrite for a few days and not feed them much.
Thats just my experience using it once. Hopefully this wont happen to you. If it does good luck.

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Post subject: thanks
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:52 pm
thank you for the information. and i have actually done this becuase i tought it would bring a rise in alkaline and nitrates. it only destroyed when in the water so that algae on the glass wouldnt permanantly kill algae so my pleco could still enjoy himself .but the water is still so clear that it asonishes me. i also have done a water change and cleaned my filter. and what ive realised is that it doest destroy the algae in the bloom it makes it heavier so it gets _ in but the filter.( my filter water looked like someone dumped dark green paint in it) but still the water is crystal and the algae bloom is completely gone.

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Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:41 pm
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there's no
...I just don't know why you ask questions
if you don't want the answers


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Post subject: Re: Algae Destroyer
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:03 am
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balasharkboy wrote:
I am writting now to tell of this awesome product. its called algae destroyer. this stuff works so well it makes the water crystal clear and it only cost 11 bucks. ned if you dont have this stuff you SHOULD DEFINATELY GET IT. I left my fish tanks room and came back 20 minutes later and the water was the clearest water ive ever seen in my life. so if anyone has any algae problems i highly suggest this product.
There are lots of products that will KILL algae.
but I have a question for you -

Where does the dead/dying/decaying algae go ?
What happens to your dissolved oxygen levels when that much of anything dies ?

I never ever use any "destroyer" type product - not for algae, not for snails, etc - because now you've got to deal with the "dead bodies".
And unfortunately, dead algae is one of the best algae fertilizers around...



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Post subject:
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:38 pm
admin sorry its just im 15 and i dont have even 100 bucks and must buy all of my own stuff (all with a very low paying job i dont get allowance) so im looking for something cheap that works. im no veteran to being an aquarist so i dont know all of what a product is or does, but i do research and only buy things until i have researched it. when i went in to petco to get a treatment i wanted a jungle green water treatment but found the destroyer, a larger and what seemed to be a more efficient use. and red none of my fish are stressed or seem to be lazy allof a sudden my nitrites are in the 0 range and nitrates are in the safe 20 range. every thing is safe and normal, the pea soup i once had is gone with no remains i cleaned my filters and have done water changes. the algae bloom did not seem to effect the oxygen much because i put both my bubble wand and treasure chest bubbler to allow the most oxygen from my pump to be put out ( by the wway the destroyer treament says its for green water and alga blooms)

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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:56 pm
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I've very familiar with AD -- its a simazine (6-chloro-N,N'-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine ) based pesticide (there used to be many of these in the late 80's - early 90's, I think AD is the last one still for sale )

It's pretty much aquatic Agent Orange if mis-used (either overdosed or used too frequently -- it takes about a month for the dosed toxin to break down in the aquarium).

Studies in India on local fauna (ie tropical fish) showed problems with health and growth at 1.0 mg/l -- and the recomended dosage to kill algae is from .5 - 1.0 mg/l -- so the recommended dosage is potentially toxic, especially since most hobbyists (ie folks who don't have a few dozen tanks) are not :
a) going to know their tank volume to the liter
b) going to use a proper graduated dosing device (ie pipete or large syringe)
meaning most people guess at putting in "x number of capfuls" -- and can easily overdose their system.

(unfortunately the EPA tests were on catfish, sunfish, etc -- have you seen some of the chemical cesspools catfish and sunfish will breed in ? :roll: but I digress)

There's a good article on simizine based treatments here:


I'm not trying to attack you, and I'm glad your fish are doing ok.
I'm just hoping to help the next dozen people who google search "algae bloom", find this forum, and read this thread.

I was 15 once too = and I made plenty of mistakes along the way. If I wasn't willing to make those mistakes, and more importantly, listen to the folks who had advice other than "buy this chemical it works miracles", I wouldn't have a fishroom full of happy fish today.

In general - if you can find something at a big chain store but not at small quality stores like Ned's, there's a reason for it. If it was a good idea, Ned would sell it.

Kinda like not finding Big Mac's at a health food store :mrgreen:



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