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reef tank questions

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Post subject: reef tank questions
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:04 pm
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1. I dropped in a cube of the Angelfish food this morning. The Lemonpeel was the first one to peck at it, and returned to it intermittently for about 15 minutes. The Bangai also took some of it, and the Chromis attacked it repeatedly.

But, after 15 minutes or so, most of the cube was still floating around, and the fish didn't seem to want any more. So, I picked it out and re-froze it.
Nah...just leave it in the tank, something will eat it
Is it O.K. to keep using it?
Nah...1 fresh one once or twice a week...maybe try a half cube next time
...basically don't worry about it...nothing edible lasts long in a reef tank

2. Can I take a pair of scissors and cut the piece of Green Starburst Coral into two pieces? Also, where it's impractical to use rubber bands, can I glue the piece(s) down with SuperGlue or other adhesive?
by the time the rubber band falls apart, the green star should have glued itself to rock
as far as fragging it, I'd probably wait a month 'til its really firmed up
as far as glue goes, I know epoxy putty is fine...I think super glue is okay but I am not an expert and have never used it


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Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:32 pm
Posts: 122
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:29 pm
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The Angel formula is held together with geletan. I would defrost it a bit and just smoosh it in your fingers so the fish will eat the smaller pieces.

As far as the green star, I would put smaller pieces or rock around it and let it attach itself to those frags naturally. ypou can then seperate it and it will already be attached to rock. Super glue works fine in the tank. You do have to make sure you dry off both the rock and the under side of the coral you are going to glue. just don't keep it out of the water too too long. I like the natural fragging method a lot better.

just my 2 cents.



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